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Health problems of musicians

Updated: May 10, 2023

Musicians can be exposed to risks of injuries and illnesses related to their musical practice. Here are some examples of musician's diseases:

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: This condition is caused by compression of the median nerve in the wrist, which can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the fingers and hand. Musicians who play stringed instruments, such as the guitar or violin, are particularly at risk.

Tendonitis: Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons, often caused by overuse or poor posture. Musicians who play stringed instruments or percussion are particularly at risk.

Muscle pain: Musicians may suffer from muscle pain in the arms, shoulders, and neck due to the repetitive tension caused by musical practice.

Dupuytren's disease: This condition is caused by an accumulation of scar tissue in the palm of the hand, which can cause permanent contraction of the fingers. Musicians who play stringed instruments or keyboards are particularly at risk. Hearing loss: This condition is caused by prolonged exposure to high sound levels, such as those encountered during concerts or rehearsals. It can cause tinnitus, temporary or permanent hearing loss, and ear pain.

Tinnitus: Tinnitus is a perceived sound by a person that is not related to an actual external noise. Tinnitus can be ringing, buzzing, clicking, hissing, or thunderous noise. They can be constant or irregular and can be very loud or very soft. Tinnitus is often associated with hearing disorders, but it can also be a symptom of other health problems such as stress and anxiety. Tinnitus can occur in both ears, in one ear, or in the head.

Hearing loss: This condition is caused by prolonged exposure to high sound levels, such as those encountered during concerts or rehearsals. It can cause tinnitus, temporary or permanent hearing loss, and ear pain.

It is important for musicians to take care of their physical and mental health by practicing warm-up exercises, adopting proper posture, taking regular breaks, and using hearing protection equipment.

A musician can protect their hearing in various ways:

  • Using earplugs specifically designed for music. These earplugs will reduce the sound volume while preserving sound quality. A musician can consult an audioprothesist to choose the right model that will provide an appropriate level of protection for their sound environment.

  • Limiting exposure time to high sound levels. Take breaks or limit time spent in noisy environments.

  • Avoiding standing directly in front of powerful sound sources such as monitor speakers or guitar amplifiers.

  • Adjusting the volume of headphones or earphones. The volume should not be too high, and listening periods should be limited.

It is important for musicians to take care of their hearing, as hearing loss can have a negative impact on their music career overall quality of life.

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